A One-Stop Insurance Law Firm

Insurance Commissioner Chart

Updated 4/15/2024




Alabama Mark Fowler Mark Fowler Alabama Department of Insurance
Alaska Lori Wing-Heier Lori Wing-Heier Alaska Division of Insurance
Arizona Barbara Richardson Barbara Richardson Arizona Department of Insurance
Arkansas Allen McClain Allen McClain Arkansas Department of Insurance
California Ricardo Lara Ricardo Lara California Department of Insurance
Colorado Michael Conway Michael Conway Colorado Division of Insurance
Connecticut Andy Mais Andy Mais Connecticut Insurance Department
Delaware Trinidad Navarro Trinidad Navarro Delaware Department of Insurance
District of Columbia Karima Woods Karima Woods Dept. of Insurance & Securities Regulation
Florida Mike Yaworsky Mike Yaworsky Florida Department of Financial Services
Georgia John King John King Georgia Department of Insurance
Hawaii Gordon Ito Gordon Ito Hawaii Division of Insurance
Idaho Dean Cameron Dean Cameron Idaho Department of Insurance
Illinois Ann Gillespie (Acting Director) Illinois Dept. of Insurance
Indiana Amy Beard Amy Beard Indiana Dept. of Insurance
Indiana Holly Williams Photo Of Holly Williams Indiana’s Commissioner is now: Holly Williams
Iowa Doug Ommen Iowa Insurance Division
Kansas Vicki Schmidt Vicki Schmidt Kansas Insurance Department
Kentucky Sharon Clark Sharon Clark Kentucky Dept. of Insurance
Louisiana Tim Temple Tim Temple Louisiana Dept. of Insurance
Maine Robert L. Carey Robert L. Carey Maine Bureau of Insurance
Maryland Kathleen Birrane Maryland Insurance Administration
Massachusetts Gary Anderson Gary Anderson Massachusetts Division of Insurance
Massachusetts Michael Caljouw Photo Of Michael Caljouw Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner is now: Michael Caljouw
Massachusetts Kevin Patrick Headshot of Kevin Patrick Kevin Patrick Beagan appointed Acting Commissioner of the Massachusetts Division of Insurance
Michigan Anita Fox Anita Fox Michigan Insurance Division
Minnesota Grace Arnold Minnesota Dept. of Commerce: Insurance
Mississippi Mike Chaney Mike Chaney Mississippi Insurance Department
Missouri Chlora Lindley-Myers Chlora Lindley-Meyers Missouri Dept. of Insurance
Montana Troy Downing Montana Insurance Division
Nebraska Eric Dunning Nebraska Dept. of Insurance
Nevada Scott Kipper Scott Kipper Nevada Division of Insurance
New Hampshire D.J. Bettencourt D.J. Bettencourt New Hampshire Insurance Department
New Jersey Justin Zimmerman New Jersey Dept. of Banking and Insurance
New Mexico Alice Kane Alice Kane New Mexico Insurance Division
New York Adrienne Harris New York State Insurance Department
North Carolina Mike Causey North Carolina Dept. of Insurance
North Dakota Jon Godfried Jon Godfried North Dakota Dept. of Insurance
Ohio Judy French Judy French Ohio Dept. of Insurance
Oklahoma Glen Mulready Glen Mulready Oklahoma Insurance Department
Oregon Andrew Stolfi Andrew Stolfi Oregon Insurance Division
Pennsylvania Michael Humphreys Michael Humphreys Pennsylvania Insurance Department
Puerto Rico Ramón Cruz Colón Ramón Cruz Colón Puerto Rico Office of Insurance Commissioner
Rhode Island Elizabeth Kelleher Dwyer Elizabeth Kelleher Dwyer Rhode Island Dept. of Business Regulation
South Carolina Michael Wise, Acting Director Michael Wise South Carolina Dept. of Insurance
South Dakota Larry Deiter Larry Deiter South Dakota Division of Insurance
Tennessee Carter Lawrence Carter Lawrence Tennessee Insurance Dept.
Texas Cassie Brown Cassie Brown Texas Dept. of Insurance
Utah Jonathan Pike Utah State Insurance Department
Vermont Michael Pieciak Michael Pieciak Vermont Dept. of Financial Regulation
Virgina Scott White Scott White Virginia Bureau of Insurance
Virgin Islands Osbert Potter (Lt. Governor) Osbert Potter Virgin Islands Dept. of Insurance
Washington Mike Kreidler Mike Kreidler Washington Dept. of Insurance
Washington Patricia Kuderer Patricia Kuderer

Washington Insurance Commissioner

West Virginia Allan McVey Allan McVey West Virginia Insurance Commission
Wisconsin Nathan Houdek Nathan Houdek Wisconsin Office of the
Insurance Commissioner
Wyoming Jeff Rude Wyoming Insurance Department